Sunday, November 4, 2012

On Alignment

I have always liked the perspective as follows...

Lawful Good - "The law specifically says this and that is exactly what I'm going to do. No more, no less."

Chaotic Good, "The spirit of the law is what's important and if it takes stepping outside the letter of the law, so be.  I'm going to get this done."

Neutral Good, "Law? What law?  I'll do what I know to be good regardless of what any law might say, to the letter or otherwise."

Neutral, "I'll do my thing as it seems best for me and you do your thing as you see it best for.  I'll stay out of your way if you stay out of my way."

Neutral Evil, "Hey,  I don't care what you do, Just don't get in my way or I'll run you down."

Chaotic Evil, "I'll do what  I want, where I want, how I want, to who I want.  Got a problem with that?"

Lawful Evil, "Oh, too bad you're about to be homeless and lose everything you ever worked for.  The regulations are clear though, You're a day late with you're payment and registration form  I can't help you.  NEXT!"

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